Factor Member Webinar August 2018
Factor Member Webinar and Q&A with Peter L. Brandt - Recorded live August 16, 2018
Opening discussion/presentation by Peter
- Public obsessions
- Market review
- Do you think fix bet size (risk per trade) can improve performance? 11:12
- What were the main challenges early in to your career between age of 32 to 35. 13:37
- Do you consider Long USD trades and Long treasuries a positive corrected trade? 16:25
- How do you overcome the fear/hesitant when buy/sell signal is triggered? How to overcome the discipline to stay on the trade plan. If the trade signal is rare, I start to take suboptimal (lesser quality) trade. I realize it after I took it and lost money. 17:03
- How do you typically trade/pyramid multiple contracts? 20:38
- When did you first get the confidence to apply such an aggressive stop style? 21:53
- How many basis points are you currently risking on the various patterns? 23:04
- Do you have any physical/mental exercise in the beginning of your career? 25:50
- You often reference that you are looking for an entry but are waiting to see an opportunity risk/reward entry. Can you help me understand more precisely what you are looking for, specifically considering that you say that one shouldn't be constantly monitoring the market. 26:56
- Overnight risk - How do you protect yourself for the gap if you don't activate the stop in most of the markets overnight? What if in the overnight market your 60 basis points risk tolerance has become 150 basis point, and that creates a gap at the open for a big loss? At that point do you exit right at the open or do you wait and see? Is there a list of markets that you think overnight stop orders are OK. Is overnight order to be stopped into a position OK? 29:44
- I have been reading your book in depth (ever since the conference in May in FL). I managed to get 5th and 6th Edition of Edwards & Magee's book "Technical analysis of stock trends" - I know you say to read first half of the book. But which section is this. Are you talking about the book being split into Part One and the chapters in it. Part 2 has some chart topics too...or should I only focus on Part 1 area and which is better book Edition 6 or 5? 32:48
- Can you tell us your experience with limit up/limit down? Does it still happen? How would we prepare ourselves to be never caught up by them if/when it happens again? 34:20
- Thoughts on: 1. Dow - with yields expected to go lower and a rotation into industrials, do the charts support the thesis that YM would be the preferred long in US equities? 2. Platinum: positioning in PL is extreme and we seem to be close to capitulation. Are you watching this market? 35:28
- I understand the goal is to move stop to break even as soon as one can. But is there a rule to follow? Any systematic way to think about it? 4-hour chart support? Daily movement percentage? Can you show us some recent example? 37:38
- Can you give any advice on what brokers, etc. to use to trade cryptos? 40:07
- Right now, IF I want to short oil, is it better to go with Brent or WTI? Why? I'm more interested in your thinking and not really taking a shot right away. 41:39
- I'm a new trader and your "Introduction to Probability Theory and the Random Distribution of Results" really hit home with me. Where can I find the calculation details you used so I can run different scenarios? 42:44
- Where can we get more info on: 1. Volume in conjunction with H&S or other breakouts 2. interpretation of COT profile, Commercial long and Spec short 43:44
- How would you rate the current environment in terms of trading richness? 44:35
- Who do you trade Cash FX with? 45:37
- Whats your decision process to long S&P500 vs Russel, NASDAQ100 or Dow? 47:05
- Can you elaborate more specifically on issues you have with calling H&S pattern in $EUR-USD? 48:21
- Can you show the NZD/USD trade, and where you would set stops along the way. Also with the big margin $38K, contrast that to doing 6N futures instead. 49:42
- Why it is difficult to make money in market? From your experience, why are the majority losing traders? 51:06
- Do you have a certain way of journaling each trade? Do you have an exact trading plan written down and referenced often? 54:55
- Do you play any card games or have, that you may think helped you blackjack / poker? 55:36