Tag Archive for: Gold

CFTC COT (Commitment of Traders) impact on Gold | Peter Brandt 4

Does the current CFTC COT Report forecast a decline in Gold prices?

CFTC COT (Commitment of Traders) Report Forecast a Gold Decline?

In recent past, I have cited the CFTC COT (Commitment of Traders) report's record open interest by large specs and record short open interest by commercials as a possible negative for Gold prices. Never one to trust myself, I decided to dig deeper to find out if my claim held water.
In fact, there is no recent evidence that such extremes in commercial shorts and large spec longs are negative factors on subsequent price action.
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Do the CFTC COT data forecast a decline in Gold prices?

In recent Factor communications I have cited the record large open interest by large specs and record short open interest by commercials as a possible negative for Gold prices. Never one to trust myself, I decided to dig deeper to find out if my claim held water.
In fact, there is no recent evidence that such extremes in commercial shorts and large spec longs are negative factors on subsequent price action.
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Factor Update – May 29, 2016

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Factor Alert – Forex and other markets

This Alert provides my current thinking on the overall technical condition of specified markets.
U.S. Dollar Index
The sustained advance from the 3 May low in the DX is EXACTLY what I would expect from a major bear trap. The shorts are trapped and the market senses blood in the water. This explains the nature of the recent rally -- not allowing shorts to cover on a reasonable break. The second chart shows that the large spec shorts (funds) remain heavily short while the commercials remain heavily long. DX should remain relatively well bid until prices reach 98 to 99. I expect major resistance at 100 to 101. Factor is fully long the Dollar Index.
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Factor Update – May 22, 2016

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Factor Update – May 15, 2016

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Factor Update – May 8, 2016

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Kumutha Ramanathan interviews Peter Bandt for World Finance

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