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I am predicting $65 Crude Oil



Energy charts are a disaster waiting to happen

I have a crazy busy week ahead and am not sure I will have time for blogging. I am or may not be able to post more charts — I have many Icould show, Crude Oil, Brent, Gas, Heat. But I will show UGA charts (the ETF) for you stock folks. I have no time to elaborate, but do NOT be long energy — unless, of course, some silver bull gives you trading power of attorney.






Is the Canadian Dollar about to get cross checked?

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A chart update on the metals, other markets

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A chart so potentially bearish it is breathtaking

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Is the Canadian Dollar about to be hockey sticked

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The latest charts for Gold, Silver and Platinum — Look Out Below!!!

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Magnificant trading wisdom from 2,400 years ago

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The charts I am looking at right now

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