Thoughts on a Weekend Afternoon, September 26, 2021

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Factor Member Webinar September 2021

Factor Member Webinar and Q&A with Peter Brandt - Recorded live September 21, 2021 Opening discussion/presentation by Peter 
  • Modifications to trading 
  • Process before performance 12:52
  • What is swing trading 17:54
  • Market Review 22:24
Live questions from Members  
    1. Could you share a template of your excel that you use for journaling that contains metrics like Profit Factor and GtP, please? 34:25
    2. During a Q&A last March, you said, "In my opinion, the only price of the day that is important is the closing price, buying intraday bursts and selling intraday busts is not a profitable endeavor." Yet, your tweet of Feb. 26 took a different tack: "Most of my entries are on intraday stops, some on daily closing price orders." Under what circumstances will you buy a breakout intraday instead of waiting for the breakout to be confirmed at the close? 35:44
    3. Trading with breakouts, over time, a whole lot of correlated positions start appearing in the book. Is there something you do about it? 37:52
    4. When looking for a price to close above a certain level to enter a trade, what time zone do you consider for the closing price when the instruments trade around the clock globally (e.g. crypto, gold, etc.). Do you observe the New York close? London close? And, if looking at both, which one do you weigh more heavily and why? 39:52
    5. 1) Should equity market volatility/correction affect our tactics/willingness to take trade signals/tighten stops etc. in non-index futures? 2) Corrections back to the 50/100/200 dma etc. will continue to happen; for trend following, should we continue to trail our stops as normal (e.g. 10/50/100 dma or any other method) and let the stops do the job or is there any merit in having some other nuances in the process? 3) Any suggestions for dealing with trend following drawdowns e.g. swing trading half the position as you do; do you think if you had been a trend follower for the whole position (weekly charts/no swing profit taking) your equity would be higher today. 41:25
    6. What do you think about OBV indicator as a confirmation guidance for breakouts? 44:46
    7. How do you factor in the FOMC meeting tomorrow? Do you expect the fed to continue to be accommodative? Would appreciate your opinion if that would be a factor or would you keep going by what the charts present/ technical analysis? 45:32
    8. Referring to Peter's Factor Report of the 19th ... in the opening paragraph - noting Item 3 - "Max Risk per trade has been bumped up from 60 bps to 80 bps ..." together with Item 4 - "Greater use of weekly price bars ..." Your comment/explanation, please ... noting your expectations for Volatility ... and what in your trading experience has prompted you to make this adjustment ... 47:11
    9. How do you manage to open new trades when you already have a few open trades that are not on breakeven yet? 50:56 
    10. I'm curious in the report this weekend why Peter chose the December 2024 contract month for Eurodollar? 51:51
    11. I was stalking USO to get long on a move above 48.55. On 2 Sep price gapped up. Gap up to me is a go with. You don't know if price will continue up or fill the gap. Set my stop at 47.70. The next two days were a pullback filling the gap w/ a low of 47.73. On 8 Sep a good move up. I thought I had survived the pull back. 9 Sep was a sharp reversal day with a low below the pullback low to 47.45 stopping me out. The next day the rally resumed with a strong move to the upside. I did not have the mojo to re-enter. How would you have handled this trade? Would you care to make any suggestions on what I might have done differently besides have a wider stop- 47.27? I thought the stop was good after the pullback. This might have just been unlucky. 53:08
    12. I really like when you host webinars. Will you host webinars more often? Also, your thoughts on China? 54:07   
    13. What is your current agenda for trading? Do you analyze charts at the same time everytime, enter orders, journal? Do you believe this is important for a successful performance? 55:13
    14. For weekly, monthly chart driven trades are stops still determined based on high/low of the breakout day or are high/lows of the breakout week and month are used? 59:29
    15. What do you think is the safest stable coin that will always remain liquid in a market “dislocation"? 1:02:38
    16. In relation to targets, trend following generally, on a conceptual level, does not encompass "targets" - any thoughts on the effects that would have on the end result? i.e., letting your winners run/being trail stopped out. 1:06:04
    17. Do you plan to write a second edition of your book Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader with an updated trading process? 1:08:35
    18. Can you comment on Trade Navigator? 1:09:04
    19. It would be good if you can focus on a given trade on a daily basis. ie/ the chart pattern that got you in and a bar by bar /daily analysis of how you managed that trade. Sometimes I find going through lots of charts to be not as helpful as just focusing on one chart. 1:10:15
    20. Do you get out of all losing trades on Friday? 1:11:02
    21. You mentioned, "Part of edge comes from the willingness to bet bigger on special set-ups (call it intuition of charts)" - how to assess confidence in doing this and still not make a substantial loss? 1:11:43
    22. Your thoughts on REGI, possible inverted H&S? 1:15:43
    23. Please, more evergreen about grain markets!! Tips on grain markets like "There is a strong seasonal tendency for Corn prices to bottom in the Sep-Oct period.” 1:16:14
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