Member only Q&A with Peter – Wednesday, November 7, 4:30p MST
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Peter Brandt entered the commodity trading business in 1976 and is considered by many leading authorities to be one of the best classical chartists and traders.
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Getting stopped out of a trade only to have it work
I receive many inquiries from Factor Members on the subject of getting stopped out of a trade only to have it turn around immediately and work. This has happened to me hundreds of times over the years. Does it bother me?
It once did – but I matured as a trader. Getting Stopped out of a trade only to have it work is the price to pay for protecting trading capital. It comes with the territory. It is the cost of being a
good risk manager. I put getting stopped into the following perspective:
• The overwhelming proportion of my net profits as a career trader have come from trades that never experienced
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This content is for members only
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This content is for members only
This content is for members only
This content is for members only
This content is for members only