Entries by Peter Brandt

Blogging vs. trading!

 What do the two have in common? An opinion is NOT a position. A position is NOT an opinion. In the final analysis, the two have nothing in common. Yet, be aware that in this blog I sometimes present opinions and market perspectives (and misc. things I find interesting at the moment) and other times venture […]

8 years of global Silver supply changed hands last week

Value of Silver trading equaled 1.5 times the entire value of NYSE trading First off, before I say anything more, let me congratulate those of you who sniffed out the bull market in Silver and have made a killing. Whether your reasons for being a long holder of Silver (bullion, ETFs, producers) prove to be […]

Silver is a way to play the US$ — NOT!!!!!

If you are bearish on the US$, there are better bets to make. In recent days many a Silver bull has attempted to convince me that Silver is a play against the US$. I don’t buy it for a minute. Silver is a raw material commodity. End of story. That Silver is considered a semi-precious […]

Using hourly charts to trade silver

Even a market blow-off has a Silver lining As a general rule I do not like using intraday charts. The reason is that intraday chart patterns have a failure rate of 75 percent, although I know some excellent short-term traders who use intraday charts in conjunction with various indicators to wring a profit out of […]

Has chart trading become unreliable?

Charts don’t work like they used to! This is the first of three blog postings on the (un)reliability of chart patterns for trading. This posting lays the claim that chart patterns are increasingly unreliable for trading. The second posting (when I get to it) will pose the possible reasons why this has occurred. The third […]

How do you spell bubble?…S I L V E R

The Silver market is within months, or even weeks, or even days of a major top. The Silver market has entered a classic blow-off top. There is no question but that Silver is a bubble in the making…and will soon be a bubble in the breaking. The similarities between the current exponential spike in Silver […]

I’ve never liked the taste of Humble Pie!

AKA, when I short AAPL pie, I need to prepare to eat HMBL pie A number of readers have asked me to recap my recent trades in Apple Computer. Of course, I was a busy little beaver posting the details of my shorting campaign – mainly motivated by all the hate messages I received from […]

Thank God I’m a trader, not an analyst!

Thank God I’m a trader, not an analyst! There is a huge difference between being a trader and being a market analyst. Analysts are paid by being right. On this basis alone I am not smart enough to be an analyst. Traders are paid by managing risk. These two skill sets are a world apart. […]